PARKING REGULATION ENFORCEMENT: The LRMHA Board will not enforce towing of vehicles that extend over the curb (Rule 6C has been suspended). While we will not be towing under Rule 6c, please be mindful when parking to not damage the grass or impede the sidewalk. Vehicles that impede the landscape contractors by parking over the grass assume liability for any damages due to mowing operations. Homeowners whose cars, contractors, visitors or residents cause damage to LRMHA property may be assessed for repair of damages to the property.
Parking at Little River Mews
New Resident/Guest Hangtags Distributed
Good news! The Board learned that most communities change their resident and guest tags every year, and that they can be provided by our towing company (Dominion Towing) free of charge! All LRMHA hangtags are distributed by Northern Virginia Management.
Every homeowner whose account is fully-paid will receive three hangtags in the first quarter of the calendar year to use as they see fit. Hangtags should be hung from or near the rearview mirror, and must be clearly visible from the outside of the car. You may optionally display the tag by placing it on your dashboard.
This allotment also solves the issue many of you have with no guest passes when your car is in the shop and you have a rental. In addition – and, per NVM, is the reason most communities change them every year – it requires all homeowners to pay all outstanding balances in order to get more than one tag. Members who are in arrears at the time tags are issued are prohibited from parking in any but their assigned space and may not use another member's tag for any residents or guests of their unit. Every homeowner whose account is fully-paid will receive three hangtags to use as they see fit. Hangtags should be hung from or near the rearview mirror, and must be clearly visible from the outside of the car. You may optionally display the tag by placing it on your dashboard.
All three hangtags will be distributed to homeowners who do not have any outstanding balances at the time that they are distributed. Members who are in arrears for any amount at the time tags are issued are prohibited from parking in any but their assigned space and may not use another member's tag for any residents or guests of their unit. A member in arrears will be issued their remaining two tags only upon payment in full of all amounts owed at the time they seek their remaining tags.
Residents who are current in the payment of their LRMHA assessments are limited to a maximum of three hangtag permits. The hangtags are distributed by Northern Virginia Management. LRMHA Board members do not have additional tags available. Any car not properly displaying a valid hangtag visible in the front window of their vehicle between 6 p.m. and 9 a.m. will be subject to towing without notice. Please be sure to inform all guests that everyone must honor the reserved space assignments at all times.
Any resident finding a car in their reserved space has the authority to call Dominion Towing and have the car towed from their reserved space. Please save yourself a towing fee — don’t aggravate a neighbor by parking in someone else’s assigned space. We are serviced by Dominion Towing, Phone: 703-730-1177. If towed you must pay the full fee in order to get your car back. Dominion Towing’s address is 2898 Gallows Road, Falls Church, VA (in the Merrifield area).
Residents who willfully violate LRMHA Parking Regulations by repeatedly parking in another resident’s assigned space; by using invalid passes; or by forging hangtags may forfeit all parking privileges. Parking passes may not be rented out to others. While you may have a guest on an extended stay, you may not share your hang tag with another resident for a period exceeding one week. Residents in arrears are prohibited from borrowing a parking pass from another home and may only use their single reserved space for any resident of or visitor to their unit between the hours of 6 PM and 9 AM.
Please bear in mind that Little River Mews has 42 homes and only 90 parking spaces when determining your parking needs. If you have multiple guests, you may have to shuttle them between your house and other local parking options.
Please read the current LRMHA Parking Regulations for a full disclosure of current parking eligibility, prohibitions and penalties for non-compliance.
If your car is towed, you must pay a towing fee in full before you can retrieve it. Call Dominion Towing at 703-730-1177.
Good news! The Board learned that most communities change their resident and guest tags every year, and that they can be provided by our towing company (Dominion Towing) free of charge! All LRMHA hangtags are distributed by Northern Virginia Management.
Every homeowner whose account is fully-paid will receive three hangtags in the first quarter of the calendar year to use as they see fit. Hangtags should be hung from or near the rearview mirror, and must be clearly visible from the outside of the car. You may optionally display the tag by placing it on your dashboard.
This allotment also solves the issue many of you have with no guest passes when your car is in the shop and you have a rental. In addition – and, per NVM, is the reason most communities change them every year – it requires all homeowners to pay all outstanding balances in order to get more than one tag. Members who are in arrears at the time tags are issued are prohibited from parking in any but their assigned space and may not use another member's tag for any residents or guests of their unit. Every homeowner whose account is fully-paid will receive three hangtags to use as they see fit. Hangtags should be hung from or near the rearview mirror, and must be clearly visible from the outside of the car. You may optionally display the tag by placing it on your dashboard.
All three hangtags will be distributed to homeowners who do not have any outstanding balances at the time that they are distributed. Members who are in arrears for any amount at the time tags are issued are prohibited from parking in any but their assigned space and may not use another member's tag for any residents or guests of their unit. A member in arrears will be issued their remaining two tags only upon payment in full of all amounts owed at the time they seek their remaining tags.
Residents who are current in the payment of their LRMHA assessments are limited to a maximum of three hangtag permits. The hangtags are distributed by Northern Virginia Management. LRMHA Board members do not have additional tags available. Any car not properly displaying a valid hangtag visible in the front window of their vehicle between 6 p.m. and 9 a.m. will be subject to towing without notice. Please be sure to inform all guests that everyone must honor the reserved space assignments at all times.
Any resident finding a car in their reserved space has the authority to call Dominion Towing and have the car towed from their reserved space. Please save yourself a towing fee — don’t aggravate a neighbor by parking in someone else’s assigned space. We are serviced by Dominion Towing, Phone: 703-730-1177. If towed you must pay the full fee in order to get your car back. Dominion Towing’s address is 2898 Gallows Road, Falls Church, VA (in the Merrifield area).
Residents who willfully violate LRMHA Parking Regulations by repeatedly parking in another resident’s assigned space; by using invalid passes; or by forging hangtags may forfeit all parking privileges. Parking passes may not be rented out to others. While you may have a guest on an extended stay, you may not share your hang tag with another resident for a period exceeding one week. Residents in arrears are prohibited from borrowing a parking pass from another home and may only use their single reserved space for any resident of or visitor to their unit between the hours of 6 PM and 9 AM.
Please bear in mind that Little River Mews has 42 homes and only 90 parking spaces when determining your parking needs. If you have multiple guests, you may have to shuttle them between your house and other local parking options.
Please read the current LRMHA Parking Regulations for a full disclosure of current parking eligibility, prohibitions and penalties for non-compliance.
If your car is towed, you must pay a towing fee in full before you can retrieve it. Call Dominion Towing at 703-730-1177.
Parking Regulations
Please read the current LRMHA Parking Regulations for a full disclosure of current parking eligibility, prohibitions and penalties for non-compliance.