LRMHA Spring/Summer Newsletter 2024
June 25, 2024
Fourth of July Party
Come to a neighborhood party Thursday, the 4th of July. All residents, owners and their guests are invited. Join your neighbors and friends in the traffic circle starting at 4 pm for hot dogs, hamburgers and all the fixings. There will be iced tea, lemonade and water, but bring anything else you want to drink and a dish to share. There will be games, prizes and bring small fireworks for after dark if you wish. Bring portable chairs to sit on.
Personally sponsored by LRMHA officers; no LRMHA funds are used.
Cars Liable for Towing
ANY cars without the current 2024 LRMHA hangtag between 6 pm and 9 am the following day may be towed without warning at the owner’s expense. Be sure yours are visible on the rear view mirror or front dashboard. Do NOT park in any reserved space other than your own. If anyone is parked in any reserved space other than their own—including vendors and laborers—the vehicle can be towed. Any questions, contact Northern Virginia Management.
Landscaping News
We have pruned several trees to keep them healthy, prevent falling branches and clean up storm damage.
Branches should be at least 7 feet above the sidewalks and plants should not stick out over the sidewalks. A number of homes have plantings intruding over the sidewalk making it hard for pedestrians to walk. If these have not been trimmed back by August 1st we will have our landscapers cut the intruding branches and bushes back from the sidewalk and charge the cost of trimming to the owner.
Please also trim any bushes covering house numbers. For safety reasons all house numbers MUST be clearly visible from the street. It is not sufficient to place separate signage on flags or other devices – first responders are trained to look at the door frames when locating house numbers. Not adhering to this convention can cost precious time and errors AND it is an ARB requirement to properly place door numbers on your door frames or, for end units only, also on the street-side building corner closest to your door.
Your House Upkeep
The deadline has passed for making any repairs and maintenance to be in compliance according to letters previously sent. The Architectural Review Board will be doing a walk around soon. As always, please do not interrupt the ARB during their walk around.
You MUST submit a form to the ARB for ANY AND ALL work on the outside of your house, even if it is replacing and matching what is existing. No one wants to tear down structures or have to repaint because it’s not according to what is required. Forms are available on Please allow a week for the Board to respond. If you are unable to use the website or emails, please contact Pamela Rinehart, #4533 for a hard copy of the form and assistance in submitting it electronically. She also has large paint and stain color samples for reference.
Trash Update
Construction debris and hardscaping materials (fencing, rocks, brick, carpet, appliances etc.) will NOT be picked up by our trash contractors. You must arrange for private pickup.
Please remember to follow the garbage schedule and not leave trash/recycling out on the wrong days, and bring in your containers promptly.
Trash pick up is on Mondays and Thursdays, usually around 6:30 am. You may put out trash after dark the night before. Trash must be in garbage cans, in contractor trash bags or double wrapped. Food waste MUST be very securely wrapped to avoid attracting animals.
Recycling of paper, plastic and metal is Wednesdays usually about 6:30 am. You may use any plastic bins or paper bags/boxes and may put them out after dark the night before. No food debris, glass, electronics, or plastic bags, please.
Yard waste is only picked up on Thursday mornings. You must use the designated paper bags (available at grocery and home improvement stores). You may put bags out after dark the night before.
Thank you for not causing litter and keeping Little River Mews beautiful.
Please promptly pick up your trash if an animal breaks into your bags or loose trash/recycling is blown about. It is not a responsibility of Board members to clean up after residents who haven’t properly secured their trash.
Got Bylaws?
If any original owners have a copy of the original bylaws, please let a Board member know. Our copy is old and blurry and we want to retype a clean copy. Thank you!
Want Landscape Help?
Greenspring Farm Park and Gardens (703-642-5173, 4603 Green Spring Rd, Annandale) has Master Gardeners, a gardening library and information on native and invasive plants to help you grow your yard. The Fairfax Cooperative Extension Service is another source of information, education and knowledge about plants and soil: 703-324-5369.
Lights, Cameras, Responsible Action!
Make sure your porch lights, front and back, are not overly bright or shining into others’ windows. Rear lights should be shielded on the sides so they only illuminate your own area. Additionally, cameras cannot be pointed so they capture neighbors’ back yards or inside homes.
Board of Directors
President: Pamela Rinehart
Vice President: Karyn Selko
Secretary: Pam Broberg
Member at Large: Bob Estadt
Member at Large: Shayne Woods
Our management company is Northern Virginia Management, 4306 Evergreen Lane, Suite 101, Annandale 22003. For any issues, please email [email protected].
Check for notifications, guidance and news you can use.
Come to a neighborhood party Thursday, the 4th of July. All residents, owners and their guests are invited. Join your neighbors and friends in the traffic circle starting at 4 pm for hot dogs, hamburgers and all the fixings. There will be iced tea, lemonade and water, but bring anything else you want to drink and a dish to share. There will be games, prizes and bring small fireworks for after dark if you wish. Bring portable chairs to sit on.
Personally sponsored by LRMHA officers; no LRMHA funds are used.
Cars Liable for Towing
ANY cars without the current 2024 LRMHA hangtag between 6 pm and 9 am the following day may be towed without warning at the owner’s expense. Be sure yours are visible on the rear view mirror or front dashboard. Do NOT park in any reserved space other than your own. If anyone is parked in any reserved space other than their own—including vendors and laborers—the vehicle can be towed. Any questions, contact Northern Virginia Management.
Landscaping News
We have pruned several trees to keep them healthy, prevent falling branches and clean up storm damage.
Branches should be at least 7 feet above the sidewalks and plants should not stick out over the sidewalks. A number of homes have plantings intruding over the sidewalk making it hard for pedestrians to walk. If these have not been trimmed back by August 1st we will have our landscapers cut the intruding branches and bushes back from the sidewalk and charge the cost of trimming to the owner.
Please also trim any bushes covering house numbers. For safety reasons all house numbers MUST be clearly visible from the street. It is not sufficient to place separate signage on flags or other devices – first responders are trained to look at the door frames when locating house numbers. Not adhering to this convention can cost precious time and errors AND it is an ARB requirement to properly place door numbers on your door frames or, for end units only, also on the street-side building corner closest to your door.
Your House Upkeep
The deadline has passed for making any repairs and maintenance to be in compliance according to letters previously sent. The Architectural Review Board will be doing a walk around soon. As always, please do not interrupt the ARB during their walk around.
You MUST submit a form to the ARB for ANY AND ALL work on the outside of your house, even if it is replacing and matching what is existing. No one wants to tear down structures or have to repaint because it’s not according to what is required. Forms are available on Please allow a week for the Board to respond. If you are unable to use the website or emails, please contact Pamela Rinehart, #4533 for a hard copy of the form and assistance in submitting it electronically. She also has large paint and stain color samples for reference.
Trash Update
Construction debris and hardscaping materials (fencing, rocks, brick, carpet, appliances etc.) will NOT be picked up by our trash contractors. You must arrange for private pickup.
Please remember to follow the garbage schedule and not leave trash/recycling out on the wrong days, and bring in your containers promptly.
Trash pick up is on Mondays and Thursdays, usually around 6:30 am. You may put out trash after dark the night before. Trash must be in garbage cans, in contractor trash bags or double wrapped. Food waste MUST be very securely wrapped to avoid attracting animals.
Recycling of paper, plastic and metal is Wednesdays usually about 6:30 am. You may use any plastic bins or paper bags/boxes and may put them out after dark the night before. No food debris, glass, electronics, or plastic bags, please.
Yard waste is only picked up on Thursday mornings. You must use the designated paper bags (available at grocery and home improvement stores). You may put bags out after dark the night before.
Thank you for not causing litter and keeping Little River Mews beautiful.
Please promptly pick up your trash if an animal breaks into your bags or loose trash/recycling is blown about. It is not a responsibility of Board members to clean up after residents who haven’t properly secured their trash.
Got Bylaws?
If any original owners have a copy of the original bylaws, please let a Board member know. Our copy is old and blurry and we want to retype a clean copy. Thank you!
Want Landscape Help?
Greenspring Farm Park and Gardens (703-642-5173, 4603 Green Spring Rd, Annandale) has Master Gardeners, a gardening library and information on native and invasive plants to help you grow your yard. The Fairfax Cooperative Extension Service is another source of information, education and knowledge about plants and soil: 703-324-5369.
Lights, Cameras, Responsible Action!
Make sure your porch lights, front and back, are not overly bright or shining into others’ windows. Rear lights should be shielded on the sides so they only illuminate your own area. Additionally, cameras cannot be pointed so they capture neighbors’ back yards or inside homes.
Board of Directors
President: Pamela Rinehart
Vice President: Karyn Selko
Secretary: Pam Broberg
Member at Large: Bob Estadt
Member at Large: Shayne Woods
Our management company is Northern Virginia Management, 4306 Evergreen Lane, Suite 101, Annandale 22003. For any issues, please email [email protected].
Check for notifications, guidance and news you can use.