Autumn 2014 Newsletter
Greetings! We hope that everyone had a good summer!
Parking Regulations
Any vehicle that is parked in the Little River Mews development between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m., must either have a parking sticker placed on the left-hand side of its rear bumper, or a guest pass on its rear-view mirror. Vehicles parked in the development during these hours without the required permits will be towed. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Even if a resident has given permission for a vehicle to be parked in their own RESERVE parking spot, that vehicle is subject to towing if there is no parking sticker or guest pass. Vehicles that are parked in any of the fire lanes, including in the circle, will be towed regardless of whether there is a sticker or pass.
If you need a parking sticker or guest pass, please contact Julie Elkins at 4511. Replacement guest passes are $25 each. Cash for guest passes will not be accepted. Please make your check payable to Little River Mews HOA.
For further information about parking regulations, check where you can find a posted copy of the regulations.
TowingAs anyone who has been towed knows, it’s expensive to retrieve your vehicle. Our towing service, Dominion Towing, has differing rates, depending on the weight of vehicle being towed. Weekend and holiday rates are more expensive.
In the event that your (or your guest’s) vehicle is towed, DO NOT CONTACT A BOARD MEMBER. Instead call Dominion Towing at 703-730-1177. Their phone number is also posted on signs in the development. If you feel a vehicle has been wrongly towed, contact Northern Virginia Management, and if there is sufficient evidence to warrant an investigation, the Board will look into it.
Outdoor Lighting
With Day Light Saving Time recently coming to an end, please remember to keep your front lights on at night. It helps light up the community, and is a deterrent to crime.
Trash Removal
Trash is picked up on Mondays and Thursdays, and recycling is picked up on Thursdays. This year Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day all take place on Thursdays, and therefore NO TRASH OR RECYCLING COLLECTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON THOSE DAYS. Your recycling collection make-up day will be the Saturday immediately after each holiday. On make-up days, crews collect earlier than normal, so please make sure recyclables are curbside the night before. DO NOT LEAVE OUT YOUR TRASH – ONLY RECYLABLES ARE PICKED UP ON SATURDAY MAKE-UP DAYS.
Normal trash collection will resume on the following Monday. For a complete holiday pick-up schedule, refer to the attached schedule or visit
Please be considerate of your neighbors and keep the community clean by not littering. We all get flyers stuck on our doors, and advertisements in the mail. If you do not want these, please dispose of them properly. Do not leave mail, flyers or advertisements on top of the mail boxes.
Need for New LRMHOA Board Members
A full Little River Mews HOA Board consists of five members — currently we only have four. Next year, three of the current Board members’ terms will expire. If you are interested in running for an open seat, please contact Northern Virginia Management. A normal term is for three years.
There are two conditions for being a board member: The first is that you must be a legal owner of a townhouse in the development. The second is that you must be current, and remain current on your quarterly HOA dues. And finally, since the Board communicates by email, we ask that you be able to use email. We hope you will consider running for the Board, and serving your community.
Thank you and have a great winter!
Remember, if you need help with something that is not urgent, Northern Virginia Management is available to assist you. Their phone number is 703-941-9002, and the email address is [email protected].
Parking Regulations
Any vehicle that is parked in the Little River Mews development between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m., must either have a parking sticker placed on the left-hand side of its rear bumper, or a guest pass on its rear-view mirror. Vehicles parked in the development during these hours without the required permits will be towed. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Even if a resident has given permission for a vehicle to be parked in their own RESERVE parking spot, that vehicle is subject to towing if there is no parking sticker or guest pass. Vehicles that are parked in any of the fire lanes, including in the circle, will be towed regardless of whether there is a sticker or pass.
If you need a parking sticker or guest pass, please contact Julie Elkins at 4511. Replacement guest passes are $25 each. Cash for guest passes will not be accepted. Please make your check payable to Little River Mews HOA.
For further information about parking regulations, check where you can find a posted copy of the regulations.
TowingAs anyone who has been towed knows, it’s expensive to retrieve your vehicle. Our towing service, Dominion Towing, has differing rates, depending on the weight of vehicle being towed. Weekend and holiday rates are more expensive.
In the event that your (or your guest’s) vehicle is towed, DO NOT CONTACT A BOARD MEMBER. Instead call Dominion Towing at 703-730-1177. Their phone number is also posted on signs in the development. If you feel a vehicle has been wrongly towed, contact Northern Virginia Management, and if there is sufficient evidence to warrant an investigation, the Board will look into it.
Outdoor Lighting
With Day Light Saving Time recently coming to an end, please remember to keep your front lights on at night. It helps light up the community, and is a deterrent to crime.
Trash Removal
Trash is picked up on Mondays and Thursdays, and recycling is picked up on Thursdays. This year Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day all take place on Thursdays, and therefore NO TRASH OR RECYCLING COLLECTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON THOSE DAYS. Your recycling collection make-up day will be the Saturday immediately after each holiday. On make-up days, crews collect earlier than normal, so please make sure recyclables are curbside the night before. DO NOT LEAVE OUT YOUR TRASH – ONLY RECYLABLES ARE PICKED UP ON SATURDAY MAKE-UP DAYS.
Normal trash collection will resume on the following Monday. For a complete holiday pick-up schedule, refer to the attached schedule or visit
Please be considerate of your neighbors and keep the community clean by not littering. We all get flyers stuck on our doors, and advertisements in the mail. If you do not want these, please dispose of them properly. Do not leave mail, flyers or advertisements on top of the mail boxes.
Need for New LRMHOA Board Members
A full Little River Mews HOA Board consists of five members — currently we only have four. Next year, three of the current Board members’ terms will expire. If you are interested in running for an open seat, please contact Northern Virginia Management. A normal term is for three years.
There are two conditions for being a board member: The first is that you must be a legal owner of a townhouse in the development. The second is that you must be current, and remain current on your quarterly HOA dues. And finally, since the Board communicates by email, we ask that you be able to use email. We hope you will consider running for the Board, and serving your community.
Thank you and have a great winter!
Remember, if you need help with something that is not urgent, Northern Virginia Management is available to assist you. Their phone number is 703-941-9002, and the email address is [email protected].